Tea Benefits

7 Evidence-Based Benefits of Tea

It is well known that the tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, has various health benefits for our body and mind. It is not only recognized because of its flavour, refreshing/warming feeling or its accessibility in the market. Also, it has a wide quantity of natural compounds that improve people’s health. Likely this is the reason why tea has been consumed as a medicine since ancient times up until today. 

Independently of the processes that leaves have passed through, tea benefits are extended to all type of teas. Although, some type of teas have stronger benefits than others, depending on its primary chemical compound.


Overview analysis about the main benefits of tea in individuals:

  • Tea is full of antioxidants known as polyphenols and catechins. A scientific study about green tea reveals that it has a remarkably high content of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants with several biological properties. They not only remove free radicals, but also reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. They prevent cell damage and other general diseases. (1)
  • According to the study carried out by Journal of The American College of Nutrition, it is globally demonstrated that tea is accepted as a cancer preventive on the scientific basis evidence of numerous in vitro, in vivo and epidemiological studies. (2)
  • Tea keeps you focus but relaxed at the same time. The combination of L-theanine and caffeine results in a smooth, longer lasting energy boost. As reported by a recent study named “Health Benefits of Tea”, “Theine, a biologically active compound is found to stimulate the central nervous and cardiovascular system, relax blood vessels, improve digestion, improve circulation and prevent aggregation of platelets”. (3)
  • Tea also boosts lightly the metabolism which means that it contributes to accelerate weight loose. Green tea, particularly, promotes fat oxidation by increasing slightly body temperature. According to a research that reveals tea consumption and its health properties, it is pointed out that: “Tea consumption may improve quality of life by stimulation of fat metabolism and thermogenesis at the adipose tissue, and by promoting the bone remineralization due its fluoride content”. (4)
  • Tea acts as a natural stimulant due to its caffeine This leads to a better focus while it is paired with a calmness sensation. Moreover, polyphenols decrease the speed of caffeine absorption, thus, its effect is balanced and constant. An investigation about the effects of tea regarding alertness and sleep quality while drinking a consistent amount of tea, reported that day-long consumption of tea improved the cognitive and psychomotor performance of healthy adults in a similar way to coffee but without affecting sleep quality at night. (5)
  • It has been proved that green tea lower risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack when consumed regularly. This is promoted when LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) is dramatically reduced in blood content. As a consequence, inflammation and blood pressure are reduced as well. (6)
  • Tea provides a wide range of vitamins such as A1, B1, B2, B6, B12, C & D. Minerals and salts as iron, fluor, calcio, zinc, potassium and magnesium belong to teas natural components. (7)


It is a fact that drinking tea as a part of a daily routine encourages a healthy lifestyle.

The evidences are numerous but apart from this, tea’s chemical compounds are still investigated by specialists due to its complex and wide reach in people’s organisms. Thus, it is worth to mention that drinking tea won’t solve a health issue by itself. But in spite of this, there is no doubt that a periodic cup of hot tea is an ally for overall wellness.




  • Khizar Hayat, Hira Iqbal, Uzma Malik, Uzma Bilal & Sobia Mushtaq (2015). “Tea and Its Consumption: Benefits and Risks, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition”.
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  • T.C Yang, M.W.L Koo, (2000). “Inhibitory effect of Chinese green tea on endothelial cell-induced LDL oxidation”. Atherosclerosis. Volume 148, Issue 1.
  • Varnam AH, (2004). “Beverages: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology.” London: Chapman & Hall.
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